Greenmount 150
Closing Ceremony
The Time Capsule

A Time Capsule was crafted to hold a record of the year in Greenmount. It was crafted by Mr. Stephen McAuliffe (seen here on the right) and polished by Ray Donnelly, whose children attended Greenmount in the 1970’s.

Below is a list of the contents placed by past and present pupils, parents and members of staff in a specially-made sarcophagus at the closing ceremony of the Greenmount 150 celebrations.

A school history entitled “The College on the Hill” by author Plunkett Carter(past pupil) and placed in the box by Jason Forde (Rang 5).

Sheet Music of “Dyametrix”, composed by Michael Casey(past pupil) and placed here by Amanda Budden (Rang 5)

DVD, programme and script of 150th Anniversary Concert by Cian O’Brien (Rang 2) and Natalie Dineen (Rang 2)

Souvenir booklet from 150th Anniversary Dinner by Jacqueline Mintern (Parents’ Association)

Souvenir tie and badge by Mollie Kenyon-Holland (Rang 4) and Thomas Crowe (Rang 4)

School Jersey by Dinny McCarthy, who played on 1937 Sciath na Scol team, and his great-grandson Andrew Barrett (Junior Infants)

Commemorative Mass together with school Patron, Most Rev Dr. John Buckley, Bishop of Cork and Ross, by Janessa Coyle (Rang 2)

Class contributions; Rang1 by Evan Barrett

Rang 5 by Aaron Cambridge

Rang 2 (present school tie) by Tommy Crean

Rang 2 (Art Competition) by Dean Sugrue & Marc James

Copy of “Irish Examiner” of Wednesday 22nd December by Brian Murray (Rang 4)

CD compiled by teacher Humphrey Moynihan, of photographs of various events of the Greenmount 150 celebrations by Eleanor O’Connell (Greenmount 150 Organising Committee)

Newspaper cuttings from the years events by Sinead Crowe (Rang3)

Other memorabilia from the year by Ita Casey, School Secretary and Amie O’Donovan (Rang 3)

A copy of the keynote speech given by Ms. Anna Herrick, a teaching member of staff, at the 150th Dinner by Anna Herrick.

A picture of Uachtarán Na hEireann, Mary McAleese by Ms. Ann Lande,Deputy Principal

A picture of The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Sean Martin, by Jamie O’Riordan (Rang1)

A copy of 2004 Sciath na Scol football finals programme by Calvin McCarthy (Rang 6) who was the school football captain.

An account of Rang 6’s fund raising for SS. Charles Lwanga School, Yendi, Ghana by Chloe Goggin (Rang 6)

A photograph of Calvin Malone(Rang 6) and Katelann O’Riordan (Rang 6) signing the Lord Mayor’s visitors book on the occasion of a civic reception at City Hall in November 2004 to mark the school’s 150th year and its’ contribution to Cork City.

List of staff and Board of Management at Scoil Mhuire na nGrás by Richard Moloney (Board of Management)

A message from the Presentation Brothers by Br. Andrew Hickey, Congregation Leader

The book “Reflections of Cork” by Cian O’ Floinn ( Senior Infants) . This book was published to mark Cork’s selection as European Capital of Culture in 2005. It contains reflections by past pupils Denis “Dino” Cregan, Maurice Healy( who sponsored the 150th Historical Exhibition), Tadhg Philpott and Dave O’Connor.

DVD on school, compiled by teacher Ciara Mawe and shown at the 150th Anniversary Dinner, by Megan Dennehy (Rang 1)

Dinny McCarthy and his great-grandson Andrew Barrett (Junior Infants)

150th Anniversary Flag by Sean Doolan (Rang 3) and Mr. Bobby McCarthy, oldest surviving past pupil who raised and lowered the flag for the year of celebration.

The sarcophagus was locked by Toddy O’Sullivan, Cathaoirleach Greenmount 150 Organising Committee, having first left a letter for the organising committee of the Greenmount 200. The key was presented to Donal Whooley, Principal, for safe-keeping by himself and his successors.

The sarcophagus was then placed in a prominent position in the school by present pupils, Diarmuid Keogh (Rang 3) and Mark Russell (Rang 3), both grand-nephews of Stephen McAuliffe.