160 Bliain Ag Freastal

Fifth Class


To access your personal Nessy account

Go to www.nessy.com

On the right side of the page there will be a box ‘log in for all  nessy programs’.

Click on this. It will bring you to a page asking for your secret word. The word is FOGGYJACKET.

Tick the box ‘remember me’ for future log ins.

It will bring you to a page saying ‘enter your real name to find your Nessy.

Just type in your first name, (don’t forget the capital letter) and click GO.

Your full name will then appear underneath. Click this and you are in.

Your account gives you free access to ‘Reading and Spelling ‘ and ‘Writing Beach’ and ‘Monkeytown’.

Competition time!!!

Dear students,
We would like to invite you to enter a story/poetry or song writing competition!! The theme is on the topic of time and what we are doing now that we are all at home with our families. This competition is open to all children from first to sixth classes and there will be three categories as follows: 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th.
So get creative and email us in your story, song or poem to oifig@greenmount.ie. Please include your class level in the subject of your email.
We will announce the winners from each category on the website with prizes to follow!

Please check out the advertisement above and examples below which were designed by Fazla in 6th class. Many thanks Fazla.
Looking forward to reading all your entries. Stay safe and mind yourselves.
Mr. Hurley and Greenmount teachers


Fun with reading buddies!!

This week fifth and sixth classes paired up with junior and senior infants as part of our reading buddy system. Children from older classes became reading buddies to children from younger classes and each child read a book to their reading buddy. We are looking forward to doing this once a week for the school year. Well done to everybody involved. We are already looking forward to next week!!!


We Ran To London!!!

Fifth and Sixth classes have been using our school walkway daily and we decided to set ourselves a challenge to run to Poland. After only 2 weeks we have already reached London! This is a distance of 597km or approximately 3000 laps around the school!!