160 Bliain Ag Freastal

Maths 4 Fun

Here are some images of our Maths 4 Fun games we play.

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Our second Green flag!!

Well done and congratulations to us all!!

We have been awarded our second green flag.

We have worked very hard over the past two years to conserve energy in our school.

We hope to have a whole school celebration before the year end!

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Peace Proms 2013

Greenmount School Choir hit the high notes at this year’s Peace Proms Concert in City Hall, on 24th February, 2013!  The children sang in a combined choir with children from other Cork schools, accompanied by the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland. Choir members rehearsed intensively in the lead up to the concert and their hard work and dedication resulted in a wonderful performance.  Well done to everyone involved!

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4th Class Lego Club

We’ve just finished lego club and we absolutely loved it.  We learned how to programme robots and how to  make them move and talk!  We made lots of different things like houses, cars, ships and windmills.  Check out our pictures to see what we made.  We want to say a big thank you to the volunteers from UCC who helped us out and made lego club so much fun!

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Congrats sixth class on your graduation!

Well done to Ms. Neff’s sixth class boys and girls who graduated with flying colours from their Junior Achievement.


”Collette Rohan joined us every Tuesday morning to do fun activities with us. We thoroughly enjoyed solving crimes, learning about our bodies and making periscopes. Thank you Collette for taking the time out of your day to spend with us. We really appreciate it. And who knows, there may be a few future scientists among us.”


You can get the information on Junior Achievement from their website http://www.juniorachievement.ie/about-ja/about-junior-achievement
