Maths For Life ⏰
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all keeping well! As you know we have been working on Time in our group. I have 3 very easy and fun games which you might like to play! They are on a free website called First, go on the website. Then, click on no.2. Next, go to the Measurement and Data section. There you will find 3 fun giraffe games! 🦒
Hope you enjoy them. Mind yourself and stay safe!
Dear parents and students,
Please complete the attached two tasks for week 30th March to 3rd of April.
Ms. Linehan
Tasks to complete

Dear students,
We would like to invite you to enter a story/poetry or song writing competition!! The theme is on the topic of time and what we are doing now that we are all at home with our families. This competition is open to all children from first to sixth classes and there will be three categories as follows: 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th.
So get creative and email us in your story, song or poem to Please include your class level in the subject of your email.
We will announce the winners from each category on the website with prizes to follow!
Please check out the advertisement above and examples below which were designed by Fazla in 6th class. Many thanks Fazla.
Looking forward to reading all your entries. Stay safe and mind yourselves.
Mr. Hurley and Greenmount teachers

All students in 6th class recently received a copy of the book ‘The Person Controller’ by David Baddiel. We had lots of fun activities planned as part of this community project which included working with lots of other schools as well. Due to our recent change in circumstances the students of 6th class are now designing their own book cover and writing a report on the book.
Well done to Fazla for designing the wonderful book cover above and to Lukas for writing a great book report!
Please click on the link to read the report by Lukas. Person Controller
Great work guys! Watch this space for more great work by 6th class. Stay safe everybody.
This week fifth and sixth classes paired up with junior and senior infants as part of our reading buddy system. Children from older classes became reading buddies to children from younger classes and each child read a book to their reading buddy. We are looking forward to doing this once a week for the school year. Well done to everybody involved. We are already looking forward to next week!!!

Fifth and Sixth classes have been using our school walkway daily and we decided to set ourselves a challenge to run to Poland. After only 2 weeks we have already reached London! This is a distance of 597km or approximately 3000 laps around the school!!

Congratulations to the wonderful sixth class for receiving first place in the Discover Cork School’s Heritage Project. It was a great honour to receive the trophy last night in the City Hall. Well done to all of sixth class for their hard work and dedication. Well done also to Rhys, Caoilfhionn and Peace who did an absolutely superb job last night speaking on stage about the project. We are super proud of you all!

Sixth class organised a wonderful and very enjoyable World Book Day! We had a book swap and lots of children dressed up as their favourite book characters! Everybody had a chance to parade down our red carpet and there were loads of prizes for best dressed as well as free books for everyone to take home and enjoy! It was a very memorable day and great fun was had by all!

Yesterday was a very special day for 6th class pupils. Not only did they write their own outstanding play and made amazing props they performed it in front of moms & dads, students, teachers and everybody else!!
On the day of the play some of our class mates had stage fright so we all encouraged each other to go on stage. On top of all this we were under time pressure to get the final script completed because we were also completing our history project.
Our play was first on out of the afternoon shows which were the 4th, 5th and 6th classes. Our play had so many funny bits and the audience got a great laugh!! Our play was about Santa not sticking to his diet all year and then he ended up getting stuck in a chimney!
After our play we got so many compliments about how funny it was! Our principal Mr. Hurley said that it was so funny and that he loved it. That made our whole class very happy.
We also had a very special guest, Leanne Murphy who came out at the end! We would like to give a special thanks to Olivia and Caoilfhionn for writing the first draft of the Christmas play! We would also like to give a special thanks to Ryan our musical director. We would also like to give a special thanks to our parents for all of the extra help and great support and encouragement always!! Happy Christmas everybody!!
Written by 6th class

Since October sixth class have been working on a very special history project which will be entered into a competition in the City Hall in January. Our project is about a 1904 Evening Echo that was found in our school. It is the oldest copy of the Echo available in Ireland. As part of our research we first of all studied the old paper. Each person then worked on a particularly interesting article. We looked at advertisements, war, clothing, crime, streets in Cork, money and much much more. We learned loads about life in 1904 as a result of our studies. We also took a trip to Cork City library and looked at microfilm and old newspapers. We had a very enjoyable trip to an old house in Wellington Square as part of our research. We also had great fun designing a tram and the model will be on display in the lobby complete with sound effects! We received much help from our local historian Plunket Carter and we would like to extend a very big thank you for all his help and time. We will be in the lobby with our project over the next few days and we hope to see you there.