160 Bliain Ag Freastal


Halloween Party in the Language Classes

On the last day of school before the Halloween holidays, the Junior and Senior Language Class had a party. We had lots of Halloween goodies for our party. We had barm brack, chocolate eyeballs, chocolate pumpkins and chocolate ghosts. We had buns with orange icing and spooky sprinkles. IMG_0933

First we iced our buns with the orange icing:


Then we put spooky sprinkles on top. Yum Yum!

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Then we cut up the barm brack. Some of us spread butter on top. We wondered who was going to find the ring?IMG_0944

It was Eric! He found the ring.


We were stuffed after all our Halloween goodies.


So we got up and danced to Halloween music. IMG_0951 IMG_0953

Happy Halloween from all in the Language Classes
