160 Bliain Ag Freastal

Summer Show 2018

Ms. O’Connor and Ms. Ahern’s classes take to the stage for their Summer Show.

6th Class Graduation Awards 2018

Well done to Damian who was chosen by his peers as male pupil of the year.

Well done to Afrin who was chosen by her peers as female pupil of the year.

Chloe received an award for her use of Gaeilge.

Iffat received an Outstanding Achievement Award for academic excellence and her contribution to music.

National Bike Week

Well done to 6th Class for taking part in National Bike Week by cycling to Fitzgerald Park. The event was also part of a fundraiser to sent bikes to Ghana to allow girls cycle to school. Well done 6th Class!

School Tour

This year we visited Ard na Sí Farm in Watergrasshill for our school tour. We loved every minute of it. We saw pigs, goats, horses, ducks, rabbits and lots of other animals. We also went for a ride on a donkey and cart. Everyone thought that the farm was quite smelly but we enjoyed ourselves regardless. Here are some photos of us searching for fairies in the fairy village.  We definitely think we caught a glimpse of one or two.


We read a funny book in our class about two crazy inventors who made a robot. We decided that we could become inventors and make our own robots. Teacher gave us lots of materials to build robots with like lego, blocks, cubes, the marble run… And we experimented with these to make our inventions.

Some people even made two robots!

Things started to heat up when one of the boys made a robot that could move. It’s head could turn from side to side and it’s arms could move up and down. So then we all tried to make moving robots.

One of the girls decided to make a castle for her robot.

Then the robots even decided to talk to each other in robot voices.

We have decided that the next time we put on our inventor hats, we will make monsters. So exciting!!!


Happy Birthday!!

Another party in the Language Class. We love parties. The birthday girl’s mummy made a delicious chocolate cake for the boys and girls (and the teacher’s loved it too!! Thanks a million). We are all getting so big and grown up.

Hip Hop Dance

Exciting news! Dayl Cronin from the band Hometown has been teaching our kids how to dance Hip Hop. We love it. We learned lots of cool moves and we are putting together a dance routine to perform. At the end of class we got to show Dayl some of our dance moves too. He agreed that we are all really good dancers.