160 Bliain Ag Freastal

Happy Mother’s Day

To all the hardworking mammies out there: Happy Mother’s Day. Your children have made great promises in school to tidy their bedrooms and their toys to show you how much they love you.


We made Lava Lamps

We took part in a very exciting experiment in the Language Class. We made lava lamps. First we poured in water.

Then we poured the oil in.

We discovered that the oil floated on the water. We tried to get them to mix by putting oil and water into a bottle and shaking it.

The mixture did go all cloudy at first but then Ciara noticed that it was starting to get very yellow on top.

Then we knew that the oil must be settling on the top.

We put in food colouring so that we would be able to see the bubbles in the lava lamp.

Then we put in fizzy (effervescent) tablets to make it fizz.

The result was amazing!!!

It was so exciting when we discovered that we could also hear and smell our lava lamps too. Amazing science!


Our boats floated!!! There were cheers of happiness in our classroom today when we finally got our marla boats to float. Our lego men had a lovely time floating in our very own boats. Congratulations everyone.

Floating and Sinking

We read a story about Sailor Bear. It’s all about a bear who decides to become a sailor and makes a boat to sail on the sea. We then decided to use marla to make boats and try and get them to float on water. We loved this experiment. We had to make sure that there was no holes in our boats and that they would be shaped like bowls to get them to float. Unfortunately, none of our boats floated today. They all sank to the bottom of the tub. So we’ll have to try again tomorrow. When we get our boats to float, the next test will be to get a lego man sailing in our boats. We’ll keep you posted about how our future experiments go.

Happy St. Brigid’s Day

Today is the first day of Spring and today is also the patron day of St. Brigid. We listened to a story about St. Brigid. She lay her cloak down on the ground and that is where she built her church. Then the two classes made a giant St. Brigid’s cloak with lots of beautiful colours and fabrics.

Then we coloured in their own pictures of St. Brigid and her cloak. We tried colouring on our tummies. It was hard but really good for strengthening our core muscles.

St. Brigid also had a special cross for teaching people how to bless themselves. We made our own crosses using lollipop sticks.

Ice Ice Baby

Continuing on with our ice theme, we decided to try out some ice painting. We made ice cubes out of water and food colouring. Lots of fun was had painting magical creations with cold hands. Brrrr!


The Penguin

The penguin is a funny bird

Who’s suit is black and white.

He lives where days are very cold

And days are seldom bright.

He eats fish and likes to swim.

Do you think you could walk like him?

Scientists at Work

Can you help to free the Lego Man?

Three of our Lego Men decided to go for a little swim this week. It was a bit hot for them so we put them into the freezer to cool down.


But guess what?? They are now stuck in ice! How are we going to free them?



We decided to put them in three different places in the classroom to see which place would be the warmest. We put one on the radiator, one in the press and one on the window sill.


We found out that the one on the radiator melted first, then the one in the press and then the one on the window sill (the sun didn’t make an appearance unfortunately.) Now all our Lego Men are free! Phew!!! Good work scientists

Brrr…iliant Igloos

Our theme this week has been ice. We’ve been learning all about the penguins in Antartica and how to build igloos. We read a fab story called Lost and Found all about a little lost penguin who is brought back to the South Pole by his new friend. We have been singing penguin songs and dancing penguin dances. What a great two weeks! Here are some photos of us making our igloos and our penguins.

Painting our Penguins

Happy Birthday Liam and Oskar

Liam and Oskar celebrated their birthdays together in school. We had cake and sweets and a very competitive game of musical statues. And surprise, surprise, it was also Ms. O Donoghue and Siobhan’s birthdays. Happy birthday to all!