A big thanks to Alex’s mum for sending in yummy Christmas cupcakes. They were devoured within minutes. They were a lovely treat for us to have after taking part in or school show. Thanks again to Alex’s mum. What a talent to have!
Can I have that one?
Mr. O Dea, our home school liason teacher, had a nice surprise for us today. He brought gingerbread men for us to ice. We were very creative with our icing. Afterwards we gobbled up our gingerbread men. Yum, Yum!
The Junior Language Class hard at work
On the last day of school before the Halloween holidays, the Junior and Senior Language Class had a party. We had lots of Halloween goodies for our party. We had barm brack, chocolate eyeballs, chocolate pumpkins and chocolate ghosts. We had buns with orange icing and spooky sprinkles.
First we iced our buns with the orange icing:
Then we put spooky sprinkles on top. Yum Yum!
Then we cut up the barm brack. Some of us spread butter on top. We wondered who was going to find the ring?
It was Eric! He found the ring.
We were stuffed after all our Halloween goodies.
So we got up and danced to Halloween music.
Happy Halloween from all in the Language Classes
We are very proud to announce that the Junior Language Class and the Senior Language Class have completed a six week Life Skills Programme. In this programme the children learned to independently wash their hands, wash their face, brush their teeth and brush their hair. We also poured drinks, buttered toast and biscuits and iced buns. For Halloween we had spooky sprinkles and orange icing for our buns. Yum! Yum! As well as being able to do these skills independently the children also learned how to ask questions such as, “Can I have a drink please?”, they learned specialised language such as pour (the drink), spread (the butter), wrist and thumbs (washing our hands). We also practised using our manners by saying please and thank you and learning to wait for a turn. Well done everyone. Here we are with our certificates.
At Halloween we came to school dressed in our costumes. We had so much fun using our imaginations and playing games in character. Happy Halloween!
The Junior Language Class played maths games for Maths Week. We all received prizes for taking part. Well done everyone!
The Junior Language Class have been learning how to play tennis with Ann and Tracey. We love going to tennis lessons. Last Friday we played outside because the weather was so nice.
We love dancing in the Junior Language Class. Here we are dancing our dance about construction machinery. We pretended to be diggers, excavators and bulldozers. Our dance was called Dig It!
Geography Lesson.
It is Autumn. We are learning how to see the signs of Autumn in the world around us. Denis the caretaker told us that he saw a hedgehog in the school garden so we went on a hunt. Unfortunately we are still trying to find the hedgehog but we know he is gathering food and getting ready for his winter sleep. We made hedgehogs in art and they are now hanging up in our classroom. This is us learning how to line up to go out and search for the hedgehog
Afterwards we played on the pirate ship in the garden.
Then we played hide and go seek in the yard
School is so much fun in the Junior Language Class